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Who should take MPowder?

When should I start taking products from the MPowder range?

Mood-Food can be taken at any point in your midlife journey to target the specific symptoms of brain fog, sleep issues and anxiety. Peri-Boost is then designed to be taken from the beginning of your perimenopause journey which for most of us is likel

Can MPowder be taken alongside thyroid medication?

If you have an underlying health condition, it is important that you talk to your GP before introducing any supplement to your daily routine. In addition, the data regarding soya and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) remains inconclusive so we adv

Can I take your products if I have had breast cancer or a hormone sensitive cancer?

Please visit our Menopause and Cancer resource page HERE.

Can MPowder products be taken alongside HRT?

Although we have formulated our range to ensure there are no known contra-indications with the ingredients in our blends and body-identical HRT, we always advise that you speak to your doctor first. Then, if you'd like to discuss options further, you

I'm already taking a number of supplements. Should I stop these when I start taking your blends each day?

If you're on any medication and/ or you've been prescribed supplementation for a vitamin deficiency you should always check with your doctor before introducing MPowder to your daily routine. MPowder Peri-Boost and Meno-Boost are designed to deliver a

Can I take MPowder alongside my collagen supplement?

According to the current research available, there are no contraindications between MPowder formulations and pure collagen supplements. We would suggest leaving a gap of at least two hours before or after taking our powdered blends to reduce any pote

Can I take MPowder products with my prescription medicines?

As with any supplement, we always request that you talk to your doctor before introducing our blends. This is particularly important if you are taking medication or have an underlying health condition. You can find a full ingredient list for our Peri