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How can I ensure my body adjusts to the MPowder products?Updated 22 days ago

Adjusting to MPowder products can vary from person to person, and some initial challenges may arise due to the body getting used to the new formula. Common adjustments include changes in bowel movements and stool consistency. If you encounter extreme discomfort or symptoms like diarrhea, consider taking the following steps:

  1. Take a short break from the powder for a day or two.
  2. Start with a reduced dose of 1 tablespoon for a certain period of time, then gradually increase the dose as your body adapts.
  3. Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach and instead opt for warm water with lemon and ginger to support your gut and liver.
  4. Take the blend with a solid meal or incorporate it into your mid-morning snack after you've eaten.
  5. If you prefer, you can add oats to your smoothie for a gentler experience on your stomach. Raw oats are a common addition.

If you experience any issues or have questions about using MPowder products, our community and expert team are here to offer support and guidance. Contact us via email for personalized assistance.

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